Hello all. I was trying to build a new weekly blog posting regimen, but I found myself slacking off already after only a few weeks. Well, I’m now getting back on the saddle. So what have I been working on? Well, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been in talks with my good friend…

March Update

I know it’s been ages since I’ve updated this blog, but I have been working hard on a lot of projects, including commissions and the Jet Dancer Game. I had numerous commissions in January and February, more complex than most work I’ve received in the past, and they required my absolute attention. Here’s one: But…

Jet Dancer Game Development

(Those who follow me on Facebook have seen/read this already, but I’m putting it here for those who may not have seen it elsewhere.) I’ve been working hard on my Jet Dancer game. I had to deconstruct a lot of it and put it back together in order to make it less messy. I wanted…