Hello all. I was trying to build a new weekly blog posting regimen, but I found myself slacking off already after only a few weeks. Well, I’m now getting back on the saddle. So what have I been working on?

Well, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been in talks with my good friend and amazing artist, game developer and video editor Andrew Augustin. With his encouragement, I concluded that the time and effort I was spending on the Sannaa game was better devoted to something much further along and has the potential to actually be finished much more quickly than any brand new project.

So with that, I’m back to work on the Jet Dancer game. For real this time.

Jet Dancer Game

My focus is adding content. Last week I designed, built, coded and tested a new boss fight that’s completely ready for gameplay.

My goal is to produce more and more “set piece” battles. Jet’s ultimate adversaries are her super-powered genetic ‘sisters’ who can match her in combat, but she’s also up against a fiend with a mechanical army. I decided to dive into that by developing larger enemies that will offer much greater challenges to the the player.

Jet vs Walking Tank

I want to get more serious about this project. Not just building it and improving the gameplay, but figuring out what exactly it will take for it to be ‘real’. Steam page? Itch.io? GOG? I don’t know what comes next…it’s still just a scattered–but functional–bunch of content right now. But I must move forward with it, because until I do, nothing else will work out. Not WCL, not Amari, not Sannaa. You never forget your first and Jet Dancer was the first game project I really tried to make, way back when I first discovered Game Maker. It’s been far too long, and it’s time to finish.

In other news, well…not much. Not much in the way of new illustrations, for reasons dictated above. I have been uploading a lot of older (but still quality, I think) work to my IG at https://instagram.com/jonathanpriceart to keep old and new followers aware of what I can do.

There was that one recent illustration that I felt pretty good about. (Slight NSFW alert below.)

Davira the Succubus

My succubus drawing from the previous entry. I didn’t post the completed image here, but I did share it on Redbubble and other social media.

I thought I did a pretty good job with her figure and the lighting, and while the original drawing had a digital brushed-in chain across her lap, I ultimately decided I no longer wanted it in the final drawing. But that was a recent change, too late for the other uploads.

That being said, I also created a variant just by playing around with the colors.

I didn’t bother redoing the wings because it was kind of an impulse decision. Digital art makes this sort of thing easy thanks to layers and filters and what not.

I could have given her heterochromatic eyes and this one could pass for Jet Dancer…

That’s pretty much all for now. I have a bunch of illustrations in the works, but nothing definite yet. My main focus is on the Jet Dancer game and the continued pursuit of freelance work that suits me.

I’m pondering doing more NSFW style artwork, perhaps in a separate blog. Feel free to let me know if you’d be interested in that sort of thing…some folks think I’m one step away from drawing porn already, but I’m really more interested in the sexy/sensual side of things, not the explicit side.

Thanks for reading!