Recent Commissions

I recently had a plumbing emergency, and reached out for commissions to help fill the financial gap. Several folks came through and helped me in my time of need. Here are the illustrations I produced for them! Regina Amethyst for ArchivistX on Twitter Collena Browne for TheKEYBLADEkid on Twitter Lady Sankofa belonging to James Mason…

Game Review: Jets ‘N’ Guns 2

Jets ‘N’ Guns 2 is a side-scrolling space shooter available for Nintendo Switch, and one of the most riveting games in its genre. From the moment the title screen loads, the game fires on all cylinders with bright, detailed visuals and music guaranteed to get your heart pumping as you prepare to unleash havoc on…


Hello all. I was trying to build a new weekly blog posting regimen, but I found myself slacking off already after only a few weeks. Well, I’m now getting back on the saddle. So what have I been working on? Well, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been in talks with my good friend…

Beloved Weapon – my first product

Hey you guys, I ran across an interesting comment today. Someone essentially said “don’t stop pushing your first product; comics and books don’t expire”. And they’re right. Did you know that I am a writer too? I don’t mean “I like to put words together that sound cool on blog posts and comic pages” but…

Jet Dancer Game Development

(Those who follow me on Facebook have seen/read this already, but I’m putting it here for those who may not have seen it elsewhere.) I’ve been working hard on my Jet Dancer game. I had to deconstruct a lot of it and put it back together in order to make it less messy. I wanted…