Hello everyone, and welcome to Jonathan Price Art’s updates from the previous month. And welcome to Spring! Well, I’d like to say that, but it’s still rather cold where I am…
Anyway, my productivity was pretty standard last month, with a few commissions here and there. For starters, there was another curvy fantasy warrior woman from my Redbubble client:

…And a couple of commissions from deviantART clients:

Someone through Instagram even hired me to make a series of model sheets. This isn’t precisely what I was paid to do; the sheets had more diagrams and details on them. However, I kept this base form of the sheet in case others found some use for it.

Though admittedly, I have less to show this time around due to the fact that I’ve been studying ZBrush. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to show for my efforts. I’m comfortable with the software on a basic level and I understand HOW to build things. But my mental block comes from being unable to decide WHAT to sculpt. I’ve done a ton of blockouts, such as this one:

I joined Shane Olson’s 3D Character Workshop in an attempt to learn how to sculpt stylized figures. I studied many of the lessons and managed to make progress on a bust by following along:

And I even made a semi-decent hand blockout:

But even with the vast amount of knowledge available, I’m struggling with figuring out what I want to make. The course encourages sculpting from others’ art, but that’s not why I want to learn ZBrush. My goal is to make sculpts out of my own concepts, like these:

However, with commissions coming in more frequently, it’s getting harder to focus on learning ZBrush. It’s becoming quite a catch-22. I want to add more value to my work by learning this new skill. But, it’s hard making time to study it because of the commissions for what I already know how to do.
Of course, getting commissions is a good problem to have, and I’m not complaining. I just need to get better at time management…and stop sketching stuff like this in my spare time…

…Even though I started drawing illustrations from these thumbnails, such as this:

She’d probably make a nice ZBrush model too…
Anyway, that’s it for this recap. Thanks for checking out my work and I’ll see you next time!