Hello all, long time, no post. Sorry about that.
After the completion of WCL: Another Way, I found myself at a crossroads. I abandoned the Webtoons platform because I wanted to better monetize my work, which in my head is either getting revenue from hosting the comic directly at my site or from selling issues digitally and in print.
But when I tried to work on the next chapter, ‘Clash in Session’, I found myself struggling to stay interested. There is a part of me that wants to keep working on this comic, and a part of me that wants to do other things. And, admittedly, there is a small part of me that wonders if I want to do anything artistic at all.
I had intended to start and work my way through the 16 pages of WCL: Clash in Session throughout the month of February, and of course, here it is late March and I’ve not even drawn thumbnails for it. Instead, I bounced between doing some small commissions, trying to resurrect my game development dreams and dealing with a massive art block that is still somewhat lingering.
I’ve come up with several ideas, but acting on them is proving difficult. I guess I am forgetting why I started making art in the first place, and I’m trying to resist the desire to put it down.
It recently occurred to me that the main reason I have chased commission work was to prove to myself that people would pay for my art, and that’s happened enough to show that I can certainly make some money with my art…but the challenge of constantly having to improve my skills and draw things that aren’t my own ideas for money I don’t necessarily need (my day job, while tedious, pays well enough)…I admit, it’s a bit exhausting.
But I’m not putting my pencil, or stylus down, as it were. I recently acquired an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil so I would have something lightweight to draw on when I travel, and I’ve been making a lot of stuff using MediBang and Procreate. I’m just not entirely sure what I’m making this stuff for anymore.
My old ideas (Jet Dancer, WCL) are starting to become less interesting (and I certainly don’t have anyone in my ear asking when this or that is going to be finished) and I’m having no luck developing new ideas, still drawing nameless RPBs to keep my hand moving with no real goal in mind.
But I’m certain this too shall pass. No matter how I feel, I can’t stand the idea of not creating. I just need a new reason, a new driving force.