As of today, I’ve finished redesigning all twenty-four WEAPON Combat League competitors for my Compendium project. Character design is not always easy, but it’s my bread and butter, my reason for being. This is a milestone, although the job is not done. Now I can showcase all eight WCL teams together.
Here are all eight team group shots:

So what’s next? I have some ideas for my character designs. There are five additional characters that need to be drawn, but they don’t require this extent of work. I’m thinking about making a big poster featuring all the characters and putting it out for sale. And of course I’ve been talking about a Compendium all this time. The idea was to explain each character in detail in a booklet that I could hand out or sell…
But at the end of the day, I’ve come to realize that this project is in many ways productive procrastination. I wanted to redesign the WCL characters for the current year and make many of them look better. I’ve received complaints saying they looked like cheap action figures that all came off the same assembly line. But the purpose of this work is to build on this project and bring it to life. Character design is only a part of that.
It’s high time I actually got to work. I’m going to hold off on a Compendium book for now. I have plans for these images, but it’s high time I got back to work on WCL comics. It’s been two years since I finished the third chapter and I’ve got to stop dragging my feet.
The next chapter in the story is titled ‘Clash in Session. I’m going to start scripting and thumbnailing its pages.