Trying something new here. Figured the best thing that Jonathan Price Art should do is, well, show more of Jonathan Price’s art. 🙂 So I’ll post some of the work I’ve done in the previous month starting here.
(Warning: some of these may be NSFW.)
I’ll start with some of the commissions I’ve done:

Secondly, as I mentioned here, I’d been working on redesigning my WCL characters for a Compendium project. I’m not sure I’m still going to do that, but I did finish up the competitors’ illustrations. These are the last ones, all of which I did last month:

…And since I finished the characters, I went ahead and put them together with portraits of the ‘boss’ characters and made a big sexy poster.

And that’s available in my print store, in limited quantities. Let me know if you want a signed copy!
In addition, I drew a couple of random practice babes, because of course I did.

Another project I’d planned was to make another art book featuring the sexier side of my RPB drawings. The plan is combining nude figures with abstract or detailed backdrops like the one above. I’ve drawn other images for this project that I’ve been keeping under wraps. I’d hoped people who wanted to see them would sign up for my Patreon, but I haven’t gotten much support. I may just focus on the book and put it out there like I did my first art book. We’ll see. Here’s a snippet of one image not shown anywhere else.

Last but not least, I finished up a very special illustration. It was a tribute of sorts for a friend I recently lost, an artist named Gary “HulkDaddyG” Pope. He was a great guy, very supportive, very giving, and hard working. Gary and I were great online friends for well over a decade. He always loved providing his friends with fan art of their characters. Mine were no exception. He was one of the few who supported WEAPON Combat League just as much as he did my Jet Dancer. A while back I promised him a sketch of his character Gilead with Jet Dancer, and I delivered. But with his passing I felt compelled to turn the sketch into a full color illustration. I only regret I didn’t get around to doing so before he passed on.

That’s pretty much all the art I can show, but far from all the art I’ve done. I’ve been pretty busy. For next month’s art post, expect more RPBs, more commissions and maybe some special WCL projects. For now, thanks for looking and have a good one!